The Pin Cushion Queen

Saturday, December 02, 2006


Just Keep Me Sane, Yes?

Hello Everyone.

I'm back like ages ago from my holiday trip, just that i couldn't bring myself to come here to blabber about my trip. All in all, this family trip to Beijing and HongKong was eventful (and Bloody Cold) and i really want to go back to HK again. This time, of course, with My Friends.

It was a good Get Away from Singapore, though i missed out quite a bit of activities i didn't exactly want to miss. Like the Ccab Camp and the Throwers Gathering. Missing the camp was like missing out a whole lot of experience (How Cliched i Have Become. But I Meant It, Okay.) and missing the Throwers Gathering at Laguna was like missing the One In A Million of chances of catching up with my Old Pals, both whom i have not seen for like 10 years.

Abbs and Tasha, let's meet up Soon. And ABBS, i know you'll see This ! Haha. I really miss you both.

I don't know what i have been doing these few days. Everyday seems to be like a rush, for something i don't know. Sometimes i am not even sure, for whatever reasons am i working hard for. I guess it's the holidays, the break from School, that is making me think more. And the more thoughts i've given it into, the more afraid i have become, of the future, of next year and of myself. I think i have somehow lost track of my own capacity for things.
I find myself getting more and more afraid with the start of each day. And the reasons? I don't even know.
It's December, time to be reflective kids. Hah
In the next coming weeks, it's going to be kinda mad. Although for one thing i am totally thankful for, 7th Dec is finally here.
It is the day, when i finally can Quit my vacation job. Thank God. I've been waiting for this day since the day i started work a month ago. I'm totally tired of it.
But, with the end of Work, means the start of School work. Tuitions will start soon, and holiday homework, something which I have to start on it soon. It is totally like a mountain high pile of Shits.
And i am not even mentioning about the school Camps (Notice the 'S') and trainings.
And it's already the second day into December. Shudders
It was Thank God It's Friends Day yesterday. Met up with the Girls, Pam Estee Xiu and Yuanbing at our favourite heartland Toapayoh for dinner, and just sitting there listening to them updating each other about their hilarious Lives made everything seemed better.
And so this was why Yb and I decided to Pon Work last night. It was not planned, but it was on the spot, Wham, Bam - We were not going to miss anything for this TGIF.
This is how important TGIFs are. They make your week a bit more bearable, and make the world less evil. They make you pause and stop, and take stock of what the hell you've been missing for the past few days. Whether is it the Smiles, the Joy, the Comfort or the Peace that you've been denied of for the whole week, you can always find them again in TGIFs.
But sad to say, when the Friday is over, it's always back to square one. It's back to reality, it's back to Earth.
That is why i always look forward to Fridays.
It keep me sane.
I just want the weeks to pass by so fast, fast enough for the 19th to come, fast enough for the bad to go away, fast enough for the good to come, and fast enough for me to go through this myself. But i also want the weeks to pass by a bit slower. Slow enough for me to enjoy the Hols (what Hols actually), slow enough for me to catch some breath, slow enough to tune myself right, and slow enough for me to Emo (Read: Here blogging). There's no such thing as time for Emo when 2007 hits us. Hah
Am I contradicting.
I need sleep, real Sleep.

All you need is some good, full-fat comfort food and The OC. trust me, it'll work (:
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